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Story by The Denver Post

Sergei Matveyuk Rep

Residence: Golden

Profession: Business owner

Education: Bachelor’s in Business Colorado Christian University

Experience: I am a business owner experiencing the high cost of living. I know how to balance budgets and work collaboratively to bring solutions to challenges.

What are your top three priorities, if elected?

Help make life affordable again, reducing the price of gas and groceries by reducing government spending, national debt and supporting tax cuts that help hard-working families afford to live. Make our communities safe, stopping the flow of fentanyl and criminals into our country by closing the borders and passing immigration reform. Protect our western way of life, ensuring parents control education, property rights are protected, and farmers’ and ranchers’ livelihoods are protected. As a husband dad and legal immigrant who grew up in a Communist country, I am committed to ensuring each of us can live our American Dream.

Recent polling has shown trust in government hovering at historically low levels and stark partisan divides in views of election integrity. What will you do to bridge those gaps?

Our country is in crisis, and we must all work together to bring back civility and fight for our Republic. I will work with members from any party who want to protect the American Dream. I will do this by building relationships. Because I am not a career politician, I am not beholden to any special interests. I am free to build relationships and get to know other members and their humanity. I will find our common ground and work together just as I do when working to make our community stronger.

What specific actions would you support to address concerns about the rising cost of living and the toll of high inflation in recent years?

Our high cost of living is primarily driven by too much government spending. I will fight to reduce federal spending, not just a reduction in spending growth but a true reduction in federal spending. I will support bringing back manufacturing jobs to the U.S. as too many products are made overseas. I will work to ensure the U.S. becomes energy independent so we can drive down energy costs. I will fight against price controls as I lived through the shortages that are caused when the government tries to control prices, and where corporations price gouge.

Do you support the bipartisan border security compromise that stalled in Congress earlier this year? If not, what immigration reforms would you support?

My family waited for years, seeking freedom legally in America. I know the fear of living in a Marxist country and the passion for escaping tyranny, that is why I’m committed to protecting American citizenship. I didn’t support the bipartisan bill that had opposition from Democrats and Republicans. I support closing our borders, working with other countries to have migrants stay in other countries until the U.S. can process immigration requests. I support increased border patrols and additional border barriers. I support rigorous background check on all seeking U.S. citizenship and rational numbers for how many immigrants are granted entry.

Would you support a federal law either establishing a right to abortion or abolishing/limiting it? Please specify any limits or allowances you think Congress should enact.

My wife and I are raising three amazing children. Unfortunately, like many we also lost a daughter; she died when my wife was eight months pregnant. We were very excited to have her join our family but that didn’t happen, and we suffered immense pain. This is not a federal issue, so I don’t support any federal law establishing, limiting or abolishing abortion.

What specific action, if any, do you support to address climate change, and how should Congress balance greenhouse gas reduction with the need for new energy development?

The U.S. needs to be energy independent. It is both a matter of national security and a driver of lowering our cost of living. I am committed to supporting all types of energy including oil and gas, wind and solar, geothermal and safe nuclear sources. I don’t support the federal government picking industry winners and losers. To reduce federal spending and our national debt we must ensure that spending isn’t focused on pet projects and supporting one industry over another.

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