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Residence: Golden

Profession: Business Owner

About me: I am of Polish descent. I grew up under socialism. My father and grandfather were sent to the Gulag; their farms and businesses were confiscated because they wouldn’t support socialism. Prices were high, products were scarce, freedom was rare. Thirty-five years ago, I was privileged to legally come to the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!  My dreams came true; I became a U.S. citizen and got a degree from Colorado Christian University.  I married my amazing wife, and we have three children.  I became a business owner and built financial security for my family and me.   

What makes you the best candidate for the job?

I’m a business owner raising my family, feeling the pain of the high cost of gas, groceries, housing, and healthcare. I’m not a career politician. I serve my community and send my children to our public schools. I built my American Dream because of the freedoms we have. I know what it takes to address the issues facing us and I know the costs of continuing the path we’re taking. I fled a life of scarcity and fear. I don’t want my children or your children to have to live that life. I will fight to protect your American Dream. 

If elected, what must you accomplish in order for you to consider your term a success?

I’ll accomplish: Our cost of living will be lower, including gas and grocery prices. Our borders will be closed, and our country and communities will be safer. The US will be energy independent, our environment protected, and parents will direct their children’s education. I came here with $90 in my pocket. I know what can be accomplished when the government doesn’t compete with us. Our national debt is out of control because of federal government overspending. If we don’t change course, we are on a slippery slope of too much government. I will fight to protect your American Dream. 

What will you do to alleviate the high costs of living?

Our high cost of living is primarily driven by too much government spending. I will fight to reduce federal government spending, not just a reduction in spending growth but a true reduction in federal spending. I will support bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US as too many products are made overseas. I will work to ensure the US becomes energy independent so we can drive down energy costs. I will fight against price controls as I lived through the shortages that are caused when the government tries to control prices, and where corporations price gouge, I will fight it. 

Will you work on solutions with members of opposing parties and how?

Our country is in crisis, and we must all work together to bring back civility and fight for our Republic. I will work with members from any party who want to lower government spending, make our county safe, and protect our freedoms. I will do this by building relationships. Because I am not a career politician, I am not beholden to any special interests. I am free to build relationships and get to know other members and their humanity. I will find our common ground and work together just as we do when we’re working to make our communities stronger.

What should Congress do regarding immigration and the country’s southern border?

My family waited for years to come to America legally, so I know firsthand what it means to want to come to America and have to wait. I know the value of being an American citizen, coming here legally and working to become a citizen. Congress should do its job and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Those waiting to come here legally should have a fair chance. Our borders must be closed, not just the southern border. Tens of thousands are streaming into the country without background checks and with little scrutiny. Without secure borders our citizenship has very little value.

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