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Secure Our Borders
My family came to America fleeing persecution, to be able to create a life we had always dreamed of; a life where hard work was rewarded, and freedom thrived... but now, it feels like times are changing, and if allowed to persist, I fear this country I love is headed for dark times... but I have hope, and I believe in freedom; so now I'm running to preserve it.
- Sergei Matveyuk -
Secure Our Borders:
Without controlling access to our country, the citizenship that you and I hold in such high regard, ceases to matter. My family waited fifty years to come to this country legally. We must close our borders to protect our citizenship, maintain a stabilized economy and to ensure our country is safe.

Parents Control Education
Parents Control Education:
Parent's Control Education:
Without parents in charge of education, the government system controls the path of our children. I was not permitted to pursue the education I desired because the government directed my education and chose a laborer path for me. Schools need to provide full transparency, so parents know what is happening in classrooms. We must have high quality education options, so parents have true choice and are able to direct the education of their children.

Protect Democracy
Protect Our Republic:
Protect Our Republic:
Without balanced branches of government, and separation of powers, our Republic is at risk. Legislators must protect our liberties and hold other branches of government accountable. We must protect our Republic to ensure that our children and grandchildren can pursue happiness and live free.

Reduce Inflation
Reduce Inflation & Government Spending:
Reduce Inflation & Gov't Spending:
Without controlling our spending, we are imposing a silent tax on our children and grandchildren. As a country we are borrowing and putting the responsibility of paying back the debt on future generations. We must reduce government spending to give our children the life they deserve.

Protect 1st Amendment
Protect Our 1st Amendment:
Protect Our 1st Amendment:
Without the First Amendment our ability to petition our government and hold them accountable would not exist. Without a free unbiased press, we are limited in our ability to discern our government’s actions. We must protect the First Amendment so that our government does not eliminate our freedom.

Protect 2nd Amendment
Protect Our 2nd Amendment:
Protect Our 2nd Amendment:
Without the Second Amendment, the government can take your belongings and gain complete control over its population. My family lost our farm, our business and our last cow. My grandfather was sent to the Gulag and my grandmother, and her children were left to die (fortunately they did not perish). We must be able to defend ourselves, our families and our homes. Along with protecting against a tyrannical government, people have the right to defend themselves from criminals and other nefarious characters that intend to harm good people like us.

Honor Our Veterans
Honor Our Veterans:
Honor Our Veterans:
Without those willing to risk their lives to protect our freedoms, we would not have the opportunities we have in this country. We must support our veterans and their families, honor their pensions, and allow them to decide how to access the healthcare they need.

Protect Older Adults
Protect Older Adults:
Protect Older Adults:
With so many Americans relying solely on their social security benefits, we must ensure the solvency of the Social Security system. We must honor our promises to those who worked hard all their lives and expected to be able to live on social security in their retirement years.

Reduce Healthcare
Reduce Healthcare Costs:
Reduce Healthcare Costs:
We must reduce government regulations, so health care is affordable and doesn’t bankrupt our older adult neighbors.

Support Working Families
Support Working Families:
Support Working Families:
With skyrocketing taxes and inflation, our ability to support our families is diminishing; savings for retirement and to help our children is almost nonexistent. We must roll back government spending and reduce taxes so hard-working families can keep more of the money they earn, pay their bills and save for the future.

Energy Independence
Energy Independence:
Promote Energy Independence:
Without affordable energy our families and businesses don’t thrive. We must support our oil and gas industries while other forms of energy production are developing. Creating taxes and fees which increase the cost of the energy sources most of us use, end up hurting hard working Americans. We must let solar, wind, and other sources of energy develop while supporting our oil and gas industries to keep energy affordable.

Protect Ranchers & Farmers
Defend Water, Farming & Ranching:
Protect Water, Farming, and Ranching:
Without access to water, we drive our farmers and ranchers out of business. Without a free market for their products our farmers and ranchers won’t make a living or be able to support their families. We must reduce government regulations and protect property and water rights, so our farmers and ranchers are able to make a living.

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